Saint Louis, Kaolack and Kolda

Strengthening of drinking water supply systems in the cities of Saint-Louis, Kaolack and Kolda

Saint Louis, Kaolack and Kolda
  • En proceso
  • National Water Company of Senegal (SONES)
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
Agua limpia y saneamiento Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles

Lack of access to drinking water is a major sustainable development issue on which the Group is also working, particularly in the Saint-Louis region

The National Water Company of Senegal (SONES) has obtained funding from the European Investment Bank (EIB) to carry out work to strengthen the drinking water supply systems in the cities of Saint-Louis, Kaolack and Kolda . 

This financing is intended for the construction of:

  • a water intake in Bango and a new 12,000 m³/day water treatment plant in Saint-Louis (Khor) including the supply and installation of a main distribution pipe DN500 over 10.5 km and DN250 over 1.3 km (lot 1),
  • a water tower with a capacity of 3,200 m³ in Saint-Louis (Sanar) (lot 2). 

Nuestra Mision

  • Technical control
  • Works supervision