State of Ceará

Ecological Economic Zoning of the Coastal Region of Ceará

  • 2021
State of Ceará
  • Realizado
  • SEMA/CE – Secretariat for the Environment
  • GAU S/S Ltda
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles Acción por el clima Vida de ecosistemas terrestres

The Ecological Economic Zoning (EEZ) of the Coastal Region of Ceará is a land use plan which goal is to ensure sustainable socioeconomic growth while preserving the ecosystems

TPF was hired  to develop environmental studies, projects and provide environmental education services to support the process of creating, implementing and managing conservation units in the state of Ceará.

The 24 Environmental Conservation Units and the planned wildlife corridor extend across 23 municipalities. The Conservation Units consist of 13 environmental protection areas, 5 state parks, 2 natural monuments, 1 ecological station and 1 wildlife refuge and 2 areas of relevant ecological interest.

The main activities of the project are the diagnosis of the physical environment, mapping of use and study of water resources, study of hydrodynamic conditions, diagnosis of biotic conditions, socioeconomics and legal aspects, spatial database structured in GIS, natural domains, environmental systems and strategic environmental sectors, prognosis with aerial surveys and respect to the units capacity support, ZEEC proposal regarding the environmental aspects, draft of the legal instrument, social mobilization and workshops/public hearings.

Nuestra Mision

  • Project development and environmental studies
  • Environmental education services