
Maritime Spatial Planning in Mozambique

  • 2021
  • Realizado
  • Fundo de Fomento Pesqueiro
  • Biodesign, Ambiente e Paisagem, Lda
Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
Acción por el clima Vida submarina

Effective management of Mozambique's maritime space is on the right track 

TPF participated in the maritime spatial planning process in Mozambique, a process that is very useful for sustainable development.

This project was launched by the Mozambican government through the Fisheries Development Fund and is financed by the World Bank.

It covers an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 562,000 km². 

The goal is to establish a roadmap and guidelines for the efficient management of maritime activities and the sustainable use of maritime and coastal resources. The objective is to create a coherent, transparent and sustainable decision-making framework based on evidence leading to planning and taking charge of maritime activities in an integrated manner. 

Maritime Spatial Planning was the subject of a public presentation in June and was approved by the Council of Ministers in November 2021. This is great recognition for TPF and its partners.

Nuestra Mision

  • Dissemination and Participation Program
  • Report of inventories and environmental characterizations
  • Thematic Maps and Database,
  • Diagnosis Report,
  • Map of Zoning and Planning and the Rules of Uses
  • Report of the Process of Public Participation,
  • Monitoring and Evaluation Plan,
  • Final Report
  • Report Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (AASE)